Reinforced Composite Polyethylene Liners and Barriers.
- Designed for water containment and retention applications
- Proprietary construction using a HDPE woven core scrim and engineered LDPE/LLDPE coating and film
- HDPE woven core provides dimensional stability with impressive tensile and tear strength
- Excellent hydrostatic resistance and low water vapor permeability
- All layers contain UV protection
Woven Coated Polyethylene Covers and Liners.
- Designed for liner and heavy-duty cover applications
- HDPE woven core provides dimensional stability with impressive and tear strength
- HDPE woven core provides dimensional stability with impressive tensile and tear strength
- Puncture, abrasion and chemical resistant construction
- Exceptional UV and oxidation resistance
RhinoMat® 1000
RhinoMat®1000 is a nominal 1,0 mm thick Reinforced Composite
Polyethylene (RCPE) geomembrane compliant with GRI-GM30 for use
in water containment and retention applications and specifically designed
using no post-consumer resin. The durable, stress crack resistant,
lightweight construction of RhinoMat®1000 provides outstanding
performance in many different climates and environmental conditions.
RhinoMat®1000’s proprietary construction using a woven core scrim and engineered LDPE/LLDPE coating and film make it ideal for containment applications such as agriculture, aquaculture, mining and energy, secondary containment, wastewater lagoons, and landfill cover channels. Retention applications include golf course ponds, stormwater management, irrigation storage, canal liners, and potable water reservoirs

RhinoMat® 500
RhinoMat® 500 is a nominal 0,61 mm thick Reinforced Composite
Polyethylene (RCPE) geomembrane for use in water containment,
retention and barrier applications. Specifically designed using no
post-consumer resin, the durable, stress crack resistant, lightweight
construction of RhinoMat®500 provides outstanding performance in
many different climates and environmental conditions.
RhinoMat®500 is ideal for containment applications such as agriculture, aquaculture, mining and energy, secondary containment, wastewater
lagoons, and landfill alternate daily covers. Retention applications include golf course ponds, stormwater management, irrigation storage,
canal liners, and potable water reservoirs.

RhinoMat® 750
RhinoMat®750 is a nominal 0,75 mm thick Reinforced Composite
Polyethylene (RCPE) geomembrane compliant with GRI-GM30 for
use in water containment and retention applications and specifically
designed using no post-consumer resin. The durable, stress crack
resistant, lightweight construction of RhinoMat®750 provides outstanding performance in many different climates and environmental conditions.
RhinoMat®750’s proprietary construction using a woven core scrim and engineered LDPE/LLDPE coating and film make it ideal for containment
applications such as agriculture, aquaculture, mining and energy, secondary containment, wastewater lagoons, and landfill cover channels.
Retention applications include golf course ponds, stormwater management, irrigation storage, canal liners, and potable water reservoirs.

RhinoSkin®30 SG
RhinoSkin®30 SG is a nominal 0,75 mm thick Woven Coated
Polyethylene (WCPE) geomembrane used for temporary cover systems
and water and wastewater containment. RhinoSkin geomembranes are
specifically designed using no post-consumer resin and contain a UV
resistance package in each layer. The durable lightweight construction of
RhinoSkin®30 SG provides outstanding performance in many different climates and environmental conditions.
RhinoSkin®30 SG is a high strength Woven Coated Polyethylene (WCPE) Geomembrane. It incorporates a high density polyethylene
reinforcement scrim and is coated on both sides with an LLDPE/LDPE blend. RhinoSkin®30 SG includes Safe-T-Grip®, a patented slip-resistant surface. It is also easy to weld in the factory and in the field with industry standard thermal seaming equipment.

For Enquiries, get in touch with us.
For more enquires and technical Support Please call +234 803 3242 821